I finally asked my niece to show me her myspace personal site and I have to say that I am very uncomfortable with using it as my social networking site. I don't want to expose anypart of myself in myspace, although my niece said that you can block and allow people on your site. What do other people think of myspace? After looking at niece's myspace site I didn't even want to explore Facebook!
I talked to my husband and found out that he uses a social network called "Linkedin" to network with his graduate classmates. They often shared ideas from academic readings, shared job announcements, and worked through projects together. This sounded much more like the networking I am interested in-
Am I just "out" of the social networking happening today?
At Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia 2007
Enjoying a beautiful day!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thing #28: Photos and Images
My husband is a professional photographer and I have posted some of our travel pictures on my blog. He uses a site called pbase.com to host and share photos with people around the world. This is a nice site for people to look at photography and learn from each other- of course I am not a photographer, I often cut legs and arms off people I take pictures of so it was refreshing to see such professional work on a website!
I find that I like flickr- it is a nice site with so much- When I was teaching about Afghanistan, I uploaed a map from flickr and used it as well as other photos of everyday people in Afghanistan. Pictures make such a great difference in teaching!
I find that I like flickr- it is a nice site with so much- When I was teaching about Afghanistan, I uploaed a map from flickr and used it as well as other photos of everyday people in Afghanistan. Pictures make such a great difference in teaching!
Thing #12: Other Search Engines
I remember my college days of learning about the internet and how often I used Alta Vista and Web Crawler as search engines before Google. Now with Google I seldom use Alta Vista or Web Crawler. I decided to use these two search engines to find information about development in third world countries, and I did find good information from both search engines. I realized that Lycos and Yahoo are similiar in what it has on the homepage: lastest news, search bar, pictures, Hollywood happenings,most popular searches, and advertisement butI find that Yahoo's hits are similar to Google. Alta Vista, WebCrawler and Google are similar with just a quick search bar, but it seems that different hits came up for third world development. Perhaps the great thing about having search engines is that students can have more options.
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