At Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia 2007

At Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia 2007
Enjoying a beautiful day!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thing #24: Online Gaming

As students and I wrap up our unit on Global Issues, I was very surprise and excited that some of my student have learned or heard about the Darfur genocide. It is amazing how good discussion can happen if students have background knowledge about certain topics-perhaps you're thinking what does this have to do with "online gaming"- well most of the students have played an online game called " Darfur". I was surprised that there was such a game and wonder what it was all about-

I searched Google for online games and found the game called 'Darfur". It gives the player 7 characters to select, varying in age, gender- the task is to forge for water without being captured by the rebel soldiers. It was quite a tough game and I believe that every character I played was captured and taken to a government camp- I'm not sure how students did with this game but I am definitely not a gamer!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Wow - I had NO idea such topics were made into games. Thanks for updating me! Linda